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Whitney's Story

Grants, NM

Richard “Bryce” River was a 37-year-old veteran that served in Afghanistan.

Remdesivir and the lack of care from the staff killed my husband.

The Hospital

“I asked for him to not be given Remdesivir.”

My husband Richard “Bryce” River was a 37-year-old veteran that served in Afghanistan for a year. Coming home he had PTSD but was actively working with doctors to help him. He was admitted to the hospital on November 16th. I talked to his nurse and asked for him to not be given Remdesivir because of Gout and I don’t want any kidney problems later on for him. She told me his kidneys looked amazing but would mention it to the doctor.


In the meantime, I’m fighting with the hospital to get in the room to be with my husband. I went from his nurse all the way up to the CEO and everyone in between and was told no. Even though he was a veteran with PTSD that isolation would cause more mental harm they did not care. I was told that I was putting myself, the community, and the staff in danger by going into his room even though I had Covid with him and was out of isolation. I was willing to be in his room and not leave and the staff was already going in and out of a Covid room.


“They prevented me from advocating for him.”

By day 6 they started telling me his kidneys were not doing well. On day 9 he was airlifted to another hospital, Memorial Hospital, Las Cruces New Mexico. By day 11 he passed from High potassium levels that stopped his heart because his kidneys were not working. Remdesivir killed my husband. The lack of care from the staff killed my husband. I was always his advocate and they prevented me from advocating for him because they did whatever they wanted. My cousin was in the same hospital and was in better shape than my husband and she had to deny Remdesivir 4 days in a row 2 times a day because they said it was protocol and it was ordered from the doctor!

Bryce was my person. We got married at a young age and grew up with each other. He lived life to the fullest and made sure he did everything he wanted. He was the most compassionate person you would ever meet. He fought for our country to keep the people he loved safe. I’m completely lost without him. I feel like this protocol robbed me and my children precious time with him. I love you Bryce and always will keep fighting for justice.

2 commenti

03 feb 2022

So very sorry for your loss, it angers me so much to know these doctors and nurses gets to go home to their spouse and kids, while they mass murder and robbed other's of that opportunity. This whole no visitors and isolation protocols makes no sense to me! Families have even agreed to stay in the same room with the patient 24/7, yet, we're still told no. Your husband bravely fought for this country and forever I'm grateful to him. My son loved this country but this country and their greed have betrayed him, like so many. I pray justices will be served.

Mi piace

Jessica Cegelski
Jessica Cegelski
25 gen 2022

Our veterans deserve better than this! I am veteran myself, and when I served my country, I was willing to die for my country every day. Whitney, I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot believe our hospitals in the heart of the United States of America would do this to our own people. I will continue to pray for you and your family. And I will also pray he gets the justice he deserves.

Mi piace

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