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Valerie B.'s Story

Nashville, TN

Throughout her treatment there were a number of red flags, from her receiving no nutrition for 72 hours to simple “protocols”

My mom was only 58 years old.

Media Driven Fear

“I refuse to aid in the fear and anxiety that the media spreads surrounding this virus..”

I want to shed some light on the passing of my mom in hopes of not aiding in the fear and anxiety surrounding Covid-19. My mom was only 58 years old. She was overweight, did not exercise, type 2 diabetic with COPD due to a life of smoking, although she had not smoked in several years. This in no way justifies the death of someone, nor does it make it any easier, but I refuse to aid in the fear and anxiety that the media spreads surrounding this virus. Her husband, who is not vaccinated, also contracted Covid and was fine.

She was at a disadvantage to begin with. That being said, upon being admitted to the hospital due to difficulty breathing, it was noted that she also had an acute kidney injury. This didn’t stop Dr. Nicholas Flores-Conner at Vanderbilt Health from treating her with Remdesivir.

The Protocol

“They proceeded with her entire 5 day dose despite the symptoms she was showing. Prior to this she was coherent..”

What is Remdesivir? Do your research, but even the WHO spoke against the use of it in treatment of Covid-19 due to a lack of clinical research showing it’s benefit. Remdesivir has known side effects such as, “decreased kidney function, hypotension, trouble breathing, and reduced oxygen in the tissue and blood.” This drug has not been tested on people with Kidney disease or AKI (acute kidney injury) due to the risk of mortality. Within 24 hours of beginning Remdesivir my mom's oxygen saturation dropped and work of breathing increased.

I am not a nurse but I was fortunate to have a nurse privately working with me, reviewing my moms charts and interpreting anything I did not understand. She was alarmed with what she saw.

Her kidneys began to fail, she was diagnosed with hypotension, and every other above mentioned side effect of Remdesivir. They proceeded with her entire 5 day dose despite the symptoms she was showing. Prior to this she was coherent, and I even have a text message from her saying she wanted to leave because she did not trust the hospital or their care. The same day of that text she called 911 on the hospital and they deemed her unruly and sedated her.

Pleading For Life Saving Treatment

“She went into cardiac arrest and was placed on a vent and it was noted she was suffering from malnutrition..”

As her condition declined I pleaded with the doctors (with permission and approval from her husband - her medical power of attorney who was present) to exercise Right To Try. It is a federal law that will allow you to use “experimental” drugs if a patient is critical. Ivermectin is in Phase 2 clinical trials in treatment of Covid across the nation and the doctor is medically exempt of all liability under this law. They refused. I Asked that they administer high dose vitamin C, D, B1, and zinc after she had been without nutrition for 48 hours. They refused. All of this occurred before she went on a ventilator. Upon calling the hospital for another update using her passcode as I had been doing for weeks, I was told they were instructed by risk management to no longer communicate with me. It was noted in her chart that I was speaking “aggressively” in my conversation with the doctor. She went into cardiac arrest and was placed on a vent and it was noted she was suffering from malnutrition. After reviewing her charts online I noticed her count was down and her infection was up. I called the nurses station to see if they had transfused her blood considering what I was seeing on her chart, it was needed. I pushed the nurse for information and she said they did in fact transfuse her blood that morning. No such transfusion is reported in her chart, neither is the conversation I had with the nurse who transferred me to speak to Dr. Nicholas Flores-Conner again who eventually hung up on me. This is all recorded. A transfusion didn’t happen until later that night. Throughout her treatment there were a number of red flags, from her receiving no nutrition for 72 hours to simple “protocols”, enough for a medical malpractice lawsuit. After speaking with an attorney who agreed we have enough for a case we discovered that Tennessee, as well as other states, have passed a legislation where you cannot file a medical malpractice lawsuit regarding Covid. I tell you this not because I believe any one thing would have changed her outcome but to shed light on the reality. This wasn’t simply death by Covid.



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created by Greta Crawford

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