East Liverpool, OH
My mom should have never been given the Remdesivir in the 1st place!

The doctors and scientists knew exactly what they were doing.
Not Feeling Well
“It was so bizarre I have even wondered if she had Covid at all.”
Our Mom! Our Safe Haven! Our Everything! She was the brightest light no matter which room she went into. My mom’s name is Nila Miller Farnsworth. She was 62 when she was murder at the East Liverpool City Hospital. My mom left behind two children: my brother and myself. She also left behind six grandchildren and many great children. My mom raised one grandchild and was still raising one great grandchild when she was murdered. Her murder has taken its toll on our family and it was very unexpected.

On November 12, 2021 my mom was taken to East Liverpool City Hospital because she was not feeling well. She did have a cough, but she always did because she had COPD. I believe she had a little bit of a headache and a slight fever before the ambulance got to her home. The ambulance took her to the emergency room where they did a test and said she was Covid Positive. I spoke with the Physician Assistant and begged them to give her the monoclonal antibodies but they refused. When I questioned, they told me she did not qualify. I inquired as to the reasoning, and they told me she was on one more liter of Oxygen than she received at home. So, I was hitting a brick wall. No matter what I did the answer was no! They admitted her and started Remdesivir immediately, but she did so well that the doctor called and was going to send her home on day 3 after her 3rd dose of Remdesivir. He decided to have her stay two more days because a Bacteria was growing in her culture. For those extra 2 days she also continued to get Remdesivir. On day 5 nothing came back in the blood cultures. Her Oxygen supplement was 2 liters the entire time. She moved about just fine, rarely needing assistance. She stayed on a regular diet. The PA saw no need to keep her there. Labs were good but he DID NOT do a repeat x-ray. It was so bizarre I have even wondered if she had Covid at all. So, my mom went home.
The Second Hospitalization

Then on November 20th, 2021, she had to be taken back to the ER. This time she was really feeling bad. Hurting. So, I assumed it was from when she slid off the hospital bed and onto the floor before she was released on the 17th. As it turns out she had pneumonia, not Covid Pneumonia, the ER PA said, “Regular Pneumonia” Odd. I thought because she had had the pneumonia shot. They immediately put her on the ByPap and told me she was anxious from that. I did try to talk to them and have them check other things, but they wouldn’t listen to me. So, they admitted her to a regular room with a ByPap. My mom was still able to call me. At first it didn’t seem like she was doing too well, but they were not giving her the meds she took at home. She seemed very confused on the 21st. At this point they had her on 15 liters of oxygen with a face mask when she was off the ByPap. She was still able to eat off the ByPap and come off the BiPap from time to time. On the 22nd I was trying to still get that repeat x-ray and that was still a no go. However, my mom's O2 was coming up into the 95-96 range. My mom had a very good nurse that night. She was rolling my mom back and forth which seemed to be helping get her O2 up. She was also listening and trying to help me get things done.
Able to See My Mom
“They were talking about putting her on the vent but said she would never come off and then advised me to give her meds to keep her comfortable.”

On Nov 23rd I was able to go see my mom. They were having trouble keeping her O2 up but I was still allowed in. She wanted me there and I just got so sick and tired of being told no that I was going whether they agreed or not. Before I was able to go, I had to speak with the doctor. He said her lungs were looking a little worse, but her white blood count was looking better. As I was going to see her, I spoke with an aide in the elevator. This is where I found out they were giving my mom drinks under the BiPap. They were also allowing her to chew gum. The ByPap was set on 100% at this time. I truly believe by not removing the ByPap all the way my mom was aspirating and creating more problems. On the 24th I finally got her lung specialist in there. She was doing better. On the 25th my mom was moved to the ICU. Prior to going to ICU, moments before I had called my brother and told him she was doing so much better that he could call now. Within seconds of him calling she was rushed off to ICU! So on November 26 they decided to blame my mom said she was caught eating with the ByPap on. Anyone who knows my mom knows that to be a lie she only has one good hand. They said she choked! At some point her O2 was turned up. She was on 15 liters nasal cannula and 15 liters by the mask when she was off the ByPap and she could be off the ByPap for hours at a time.
November 29, 2021 would be my last visit with my mom. She was on 30 liters of O2, 15 through the nasal cannula and 15 through the face mask. It is hard to tell how much she was getting because those masks don’t stay on right. Either way her O2 stayed up. By December 5 my mom's ByPap was down to 70%. Throughout the day she was on the Nasal cannula and the face Mask. She was feeling super good that day. She had facetimed me and woke me up. Then called her granddaughters and grandson. However, she had told me they were mean. I would tell her they were not trying to be mean, that it was all for her wellbeing. She also told me that I needed to sue the hospital but when I asked why the nurse, there were two, took the phone and said it was time for her to lay down and hung up on us. As she was getting better, I told them not to leave food nor anything to drink around her. On the 6th of December they were getting ready to move her to a rehab where there are still doctors and such. I forget what they called it. But they had called two places already that wouldn’t take my mom's insurance. They said she didn’t need the hospital setting any longer. On the 7th of December, early in the morning the doctor called me and said my mom was not well. They had to turn the ByPap backup to 100%. They were talking about putting her on the vent but said she would never come off and then advised me to give her meds to keep her comfortable. I am not into the hospice cocktail. So, I refused. The doctor said the oxygen in her blood was in the low 60 but the reading on the machine was still in the 90’s. The ICU doctor wanted more tests. I called throughout the day and they told me she was doing fine. By 7 PM the doctor called me again and told me her condition was getting worse. He was saying if this was his mom or dad, he would make them comfortable. I couldn’t do it. I got into a bit of an argument because they are supposed to call so the family can come if the condition is getting worse. Well, they didn’t BUT we got down there. My brother made it to her before me. He broke down and begged her to get on the vent. I asked her if she was sure because I was bringing her home, she looked at my brother and told me yes, she would go on the vent.
The Ventilator
“They did the vent without the meds she needed for her body to work with the machine.”

Yes, she was alive and knew everything that was going on all that day. Yes, she was alone but we got there. Her family was with her. They did the vent without the meds she needed for her body to work with the machine. She was breathing 30 times over the machine. At this point they were telling me it was a blood clot. Then they said she was brain dead. It was crazy, the stuff they were saying. Being in nursing I knew it was all a lie. My daughter stayed there with my mom. She never left. They were shocked to see her. My mom coded but I think their intentions were to let her go. Since my daughter was there, they couldn't, they had to get a hold of me, and I would not let them stop. My brother was on his way. We only live a few minutes from the hospital. Once my brother and his wife and my mom’s granddaughters got there, I said stop. It was odd because they took her off the ByPap and started bagging her. They turned the ByPap machine off. I tell you one more thing I am convinced they started the hospice meds earlier that day. They told me no matter what I did the outcome would be the same. My mom was over Covid and out of isolation! They murdered her! I have no doubt.
My mom should have never been given the Remdesivir in the 1st place! She was already in stage 4 kidney disease among many other things. I will never forget the look on my mom's face as she was struggling to breathe yet trying to talk to me. I am 52 but I needed my mom. I still need my mom. Losing my mom has taken its toll on our family. I am exhausted mentally. My daughter was murdered in 2011. My mom was my biggest support. I have no idea what to do without her. Some days I am paralyzed, others I am very depressed. Losing my mom has had a huge impact on my granddaughter she was raising. My dad is trying to hold everything together, but it is hard for him to. I pray that one day someone is held accountable. The doctors and scientists knew exactly what they were doing.
