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Robin's Story

Las Vegas, NV

He wanted to come home to his family. He was determined.

He didn’t want to even go.

The ER

“ I regret missing anything he was wanting to talk to me about now.”

My husband was transported from the urgent care to the hospital via ambulance. He drove

himself to urgent care. They wouldn’t allow him to drive himself to the hospital. He didn’t

want to even go. He had been home taking care of me post-surgery. I told him he couldn’t take care of me if he wasn’t healthy. Biggest mistake of my life.

At first, they had him on high-flow oxygen. A one-week stay was what we expected. He seemed to be getting better. Anything they asked him to do, he did. He wanted to come home to his family. He was determined. We spoke and texted often. I kept telling him to don’t worry about calling me because he needed to rest to get better. I regret missing anything he was wanting to talk to me about now.

No Vax, No Care

The doctors told him after a few days that he needed Remdesivir. He asked for ivermectin, vitamin C, and Hyrochloriquin. They told him no, those aren’t approved for use. He questioned everything. They were annoyed that we weren't vaccinated and expressed this

several times. The urgent care staff and hospital staff were very vocal about him being unvaccinated. His requests were ignored and brushed off.

They pumped him full of fluids and Lasix. He told me he wet his bed multiple times. He called his nurse and was left so long without help. He was humiliated. I brought him changes of underwear multiple times because they didn’t even leave a urinal. He was in tears. He felt like an animal and questioned why he was having to go through this. They started him on IV nutrition and they stopped feeding him. Apparently, he needed to be on the BiPAP nonstop. Well, his nose was full of snot and blood. He had to clean himself up and clear it. It was getting painful for him to breathe and he was exhausted.

Kept Away

“I was never allowed to go visit my husband. Not until he was essentially brain dead.”

They intubated him and immediately his kidneys shut down. His lungs were FULL of blood. Between the blood clots and the fluids, his lungs were incapable of clearing it all out. They tried dialysis, but his heart couldn’t handle it.

I was never allowed to go visit my husband. Not until he was essentially brain dead. They told me to come asap. I’m so angry. Why couldn’t I visit him before he was gone? How on earth is this ok? My poor husband sent a text saying he wished we could come visit him. The man I love was terrified and had nobody physically there to observe and advocate. At the very least, I could have prevented him from sitting in his own urine!

I had to make the decision to end his life. What little they left of it.

My in-laws were outside of the hospital waiting to come say goodbye. They were adamant that he couldn’t have any more visitors! Seriously!!???? He was gone. I had to beg for them to allow them up. They had already lost a son years ago. Now they were losing another. They finally relented and allowed them up for a few minutes.

The True Cause of Death

“I finally got the death certificate. It never listed renal failure as a cause.”

I had begged, asked, begged, and pleaded for his FMLA paperwork for almost 2 weeks. They were too busy, couldn’t find them, or didn’t know anything about them. As I was walking out of the hospital, they announced they would fill those papers out for me now. I wanted to scream! I called several times after for the supposed promised paperwork. Once again, nobody knew anything. Finally, a friend that works at that hospital told me who to call. A case manager had them. It took 3 WEEKS FOR THE POS doctor to sign his death


Life insurance and social security issues of course delayed from his nonchalant attitude. I finally got the death certificate. It never listed renal failure as a cause. He was so toxic and died because of this! The dialysis didn’t work, and his blood levels were incompatible with life. That’s what the nurse told me. It took months to fight to get the death certificate amended. The lazy doctor finally agreed and followed through with this after many requests to do so. I wanted in writing that his kidneys were killed. They know that medication is doing this, and nobody cares!

I Was Robbed

If I knew now, I would never have left him in that hospital and told him to go get better. We wanted to grow old together. I was robbed. He was robbed and murdered. His rights and desires were never a concern. He was just a number and a paycheck. Now our children will never have a life with their father ever again. I need justice for my husband.

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Unknown member
Feb 15, 2022

I’m sorry your husband died. Very likely this all could have been prevented with a simple vaccination. 90%+ of patients in hospitals are unvaccinated and they make up 95% of Covid deaths. Covid is a horrible disease for those it attacks. Kidneys are one of the multiple organs it will destroy.

Feb 17, 2022
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Let's pretend what you stated was true, at this point it is in very poor taste to say these things to someone that has suffered such a loss.


Unknown member
Feb 15, 2022

I'm sorry for your loss falls so short Robin. You are correct that your husband was killed by doctors and did not die of Covid. Murder for money. Over 800,000 poor souls were victims of this scheme and many survivors like myself and Greta. We need to see Justice done.

Unknown member
Feb 16, 2022
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That’s laughable.


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