Gastonia, NC
We had been told to try not to go to the hospital because they were putting people on the vent and it was a death sentence!

He was the breadwinner and helped take care of his elderly Dad.
“She advised him he should be admitted to get his fluids up because he was dehydrated.”
My husband Rodger worked for UPS and came home not feeling well on 10/29/21. He had a fever off and on for the next few days and we finally got to get him to take a covid test because he really didn’t believe he had covid. It came back positive on 10/31/21. Then during the night of 11/2/22 he woke up and told me to take his oxygen and it dropped to 84% and I panicked but didn’t tell him. We had been told to try not to go to the hospital because they were putting people on the vent and it was a death sentence! We were giving him ivermectin paste not the prescription form and all kinds of vitamins but nothing was working. Meanwhile I came down with it also but my fevers were low grade where his were like 103-104 degrees! I also have asthma so I started using my inhaler to keep my lungs clear. Meanwhile our friends from Florida were calling us to tell us to get the Regeneron antibodies which no one in NC were talking about!
So on Tuesday (11/2) my Sister-in-law took Rodger and my father-in-law who also got covid, to get the antibodies. By that time Rodger was starting to have trouble breathing and when they got to the urgent care where they were administering the antibodies they refused to give it to Rodger because they said his oxygen saturation was too low! My father and sister-in-law got the antibodies. They brought Rodger home and he started coughing up blood and we got scared that it was a clot or something so my sister-in-law took him to the closest emergency room which was Caromont in Mount Holly, NC. The emergency room doctor, Dr Jakub said he was the perfect candidate for the antibodies so why didn’t she make sure he was given them? She said they weren’t allowed to give it in the hospital! Like why?? First failure of the medical system! Then she was going to send him home with oxygen and at the last minute she came back in and said “His sodium levels were too low.” and she really couldn’t release him. She advised him he should be admitted to get his fluids up because he was dehydrated.
The Hospital
They called an ambulance because little did we know the main hospital was 20 minutes away. They told my sister-in-law he could have one person with him so she called my daughter who was working near the hospital to get over there. When my daughter got there they would NOT let her see him or go near him. she had already had covid and had just tested negative for her work. She told them she would gown up, mask up, etc. they said NO! She lives with her Dad and I so she already had been with him having Covid for the past week so why did they deny her visitation? Also why did they say he could have an advocate at the emergency room and told no when he got to the main hospital. Also the doctor at the emergency stand-alone and the emergency room doctor at the main Caromont hospital were husband and wife. Wouldn’t they know the hospital protocols? Unless that is what they used to get him to go to the main hospital to be admitted! Meanwhile I am home sick myself freaking out that they took him to a hospital further away!
The Set Up For Death
“All the supposed conspiracies I heard about how covid patients are being treated were coming true!”

My kids (who are married and in Their 20’s) were calling the hospital and asking for the doctor to call them because I was sick. Well Dr Jakubs called me instead of my daughter and he convinced me that a med Baricitinib was just like Hydroxychloroquine since we said no to Remedesvir and the rest I can’t remember because I was very sick myself! Meanwhile I was able to get a hold of a doctor in Charlotte who prescribed Rodger and I the prescription strength of Ivermectin. He was upset to hear Rodger went to the hospital and even told me he couldn’t promise Rodger would come out alive! I was in total panic! All the supposed conspiracies I heard about how covid patients are being treated were coming true! I kept calling Rodger to make sure he was with us but he had trouble breathing and he was sending me texts that he wanted us to pick him up! He was only in there a day and they got him on the bipap machine and then started the coercing of the ventilator! We have texts from him saying they are pressuring him and he wishes he could run out of there but he was so weak!
When he first got to the main hospital and they found out he wasn’t vaccinated he texted me that they ignored him for a few hours. Remember the doctor over at the other emergency room said it was urgent that he get fluids right away but they ignored him when he got to the main hospital. He was discriminated against on vaccination status which we now know that it doesn’t matter because vaccinated people get covid just as much as unvaccinated! Finally after being there all day, we (the whole family) got a FaceTime call at 11:30 pm from him and they wanted a decision from him about going on the vent! They put him and us under pressure and a nurse kept popping in and screaming to us that it was a matter of life or death and that it was just to rest his lungs so they could heal. My son actually screamed at her to shut up and leave us alone so we could discuss his options. We had not been with him, we didn't know his vitals, and they wanted us to make a decision under duress. I told Rodger I couldn’t make that decision for him and he finally said he would go on the vent even though he knew it was a death sentence from research we had done before he got sick. The nurse kept repeating herself that it was just to rest his lungs so that's why I think he consented to it so easily. They lied to him! It was a false pretense. We said our goodbyes and told him we loved him and I freaked out and just cried the rest of the night. I didn’t want to scare my kids but I just knew it was a death sentence from other people's stories.
“How will he get better if he has no one with him to encourage him and pray with him?”
Within 3 hours after putting him on the vent, the ICU director called me and had an attitude with me and said he thought we should sign a DNR because his exact words were “We know no covid patient gets off the vent alive”! But wait, your nurses said it was just to rest the lungs. So why did they put him on it? Oh we know why, they get money!! That doctor told me he probably wouldn’t make it through the day and I asked him if he did everything possible to save him. He said yes and that we said no to Remdesivir but I reminded him my husband said no and that I agreed with him. I said if you think he’s going to die, how about Ivermectin, he said to me if I said Ivermectin one more time he would hang up on me! I only said it one time! Well then I got hysterical because the conspiracy stories were definitely true. They are not conspiracies! They had him in isolation so we couldn’t see him and my youngest, sweet 23 yr old daughter got on the phone with him and asked him, “How will he get better if he has no one with him to encourage him and pray with him?” My daughter was a Bible college student minoring in counseling and knew the psychology of isolation. The doctor agreed with her but said hospital protocols prevented anyone being with him.

So they called me each morning to let me know he wasn't doing well. My middle daughter stepped in and said all phone calls go to her since her mom was still sick with covid. My middle daughter is married, just had a baby a few months before, she’s a hairdresser and her husband is in the Airforce. Very smart kids who acted very professionally with the hospital staff. Dr. High was not the nicest, he definitely had an attitude toward us and we found out he was pissed that my husband was not vaccinated. Dr. Heath High called my daughter very early on Sunday, 11/7//21 and said the family needed to come up to the hospital to say our goodbyes. Now they knew I had covid but they let me up and the rest of the family and let us in his room all together with gowns and masks on. So they let us in to see him that day but wouldn’t let him have someone with him the other days! What was the difference ?? None of it makes sense. The nurse was telling me what she was giving him and it was one med after the other. I can’t remember all she said. They kept saying his organs would fail. Well guess what, after 25 days on the vent, his organs did NOT fail! When they had him prone he did better and even his pneumonia was clearing up! He was even trying to get up! But then they didn’t like that and would give him a paralytic.
Denial of Effective Treatment
“We met with Dr. High and I brought up Ivermectin again and he got really mad and said he couldn’t believe I wanted to give him a horse dewormer!”
My children went up everyday to pray over my husband and read scripture and to sing worship songs. He responded to them! He really responded when I would come up and talk to him, all his bells and whistles would go off which the nursing staff didn’t like. I guess they had to watch him more. They kept trying to put him on his back but his oxygen would drop. I don’t know why they insisted he be on his back when he was doing better in the prone position. We later found out from a private autopsy that we had done without the hospital’s knowledge that his lungs weighed double the amount they should have weighed. So when he was on his back he was suffocating! We met with Dr. High and I brought up Ivermectin again and he got really mad and said he couldn’t believe I wanted to give him a horse dewormer! I told him I was on it and it helped me and he said that was just coincidence. He knew that I knew a lot about Ivermectin but disputed all the facts I knew about it. He was so disrespectful to me that my son was getting very upset. Meaning he was getting ready to because he was so disrespectful to his mom. Dr. High said maybe we should get another opinion and we said yes!
They called the infectious disease doctor in and he quietly agreed with me on the Ivermectin but felt we were past the time we could give it to him. He told me that my husband just needed time for his lungs to heal. So why did they keep rushing him and rushing to turn him over? The various nurses would cry with us when we would come up and now I realize they were crying because they knew what was being done to my husband. We know he was on Fentanyl and a paralytic among many other other meds. For 2 weeks Rodger was stable and his pneumonia was clearing up but the nurses would not admit it was clearing up! We never saw another doctor again and didn’t talk to one until the night he passed. We got a phone call from the hospital at 12:11 am on 11/29/21 that he passed. No explanation of how! They told us we could come up and see him. We got up there 20 minutes later after my kids wailed and cried. I had to be strong for them. I just got numb and went through the motions. We got up to the hospital and a lot of the rooms that were filled were empty. Only one nurse met us, no doctor met us to explain what happened. The nurse they had caring for him that night and the night before kept losing him. The night before they almost lost him and I even told my kids I didn’t feel confident in that nurse. He didn’t know what he was doing. Who has an in lncompetent nurse working with the critically ill? A hospital who is looking for bonus money that’s who! Also, whenever I would go up to his room the nurses would watch me like a hawk. Almost like I was a criminal. I’m sure they were told to by Dr Heath High so he really needs to be charged with crimes against humanity because he pretty much declared my husband dead the first day, he had no intention on saving my husband.
He Was a Great Man
My husband was a great husband, an awesome Dad and a great grandfather even though he only got to know the last 2 of his grandchildren in the last few months before he died. They were newborns. He was a real hard worker for UPS and also worked 10 years before that as a mechanic on Space Mountain at Walt Disney World in Orlando. He got the job at UPS in Charlotte making more money and he had worked there before Disney and missed it. Plus it was closer to our children and new grandchildren. Then his dad and sister moved from Florida to be closer to us in Charlotte only to lose Rodger a year later. Our hearts are broken. He was the breadwinner and helped take care of his elderly Dad. His mom passed from cancer 7 years prior. He was the one our kids and their spouses would always call to get advice. His loss is felt very deeply.

When we got the medical records there were big gaps and also Dr. High put in the notes that me and my daughter were combatant with him, I guess because we asked for ivermectin! He also highlighted throughout the report in bold letters that Rodger was unvaccinated and refused the Remdesivir and that he was morbidly obese! So I guess it was Rodgers fault not Dr. High’s fault that he died. He fought like crazy to live. I believe they killed him! Dr. Heath High needs to be held accountable. I know we are missing lots of the medical records too. Also they had to replace the vent tube because it had holes in it but it’s not in the records either. Just medical negligence left and right!