Troy, MI
To put a bounty on someone's life for monetary gain to promote an agenda and resulting in loss of life is a breach of human rights to the fullest extent.

This will go down in history as the ultimate crime against humanity.
Covid And The Hospital
“At this time we figured the hospitals must have the Covid situation under control. Right? Wrong!”
On August 7, mother Shirley, 67 years young, took her last breath at Beaumont hospital in Troy Michigan. A place where sick people went to get better and the thought that doctors would do all they could to save you. But that did not happen for my Mom.
On Monday July 13, 2020, my Mom started getting sick with flu-like symptoms and running a fever. We found out she had been exposed to the Covid 19 virus. So I contacted my Mom's physician and he started treating her and put her on a Z-pack. My Mom continued to get worse and by Friday after getting an outpatient chest X-ray it was confirmed that she had pneumonia in one lung. Her oxygen level started dropping so her doctor advised us we should take her to the hospital. At this time we figured the hospitals must have the Covid situation under control. Right? Wrong!
Denied Safe And Effective Treatments
On July 17, 2020 when I took my Mom to the emergency room, I did not know it would be the last time I would hug and kiss my Mom, and it was goodbye forever. I was not allowed to be with my scared sick Mom in the hospital. No visitors allowed, period! I was told I could Just face time her. Everyday I contacted the hospital for an update. I didn't even go to work in case the hospital needed to reach me. There was no communication unless I contacted them, which I did morning and night.

We knew what had worked for my Mom in the past, and explained to the nurses and doctors that she needed breathing treatments. We were told she could not have them due to releasing Covid into the air. I also asked for my Mom to be given Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, because I heard it was helping people. A very rude doctor told me that just because I saw it on the internet he was not going to give it to her. They said they had to follow the Covid 19 protocols set forth by our government which were the convalescent plasma and Remdezivir.
Lack Of Care
“My Mom was all alone and scared of being neglected.”
My Mom was placed on a Bipap high flow oxygen machine at 100%. She could barely eat because she could not breathe with the face mask off.

She told me she was starving and at one point her oxygen mask came unhooked from the machine and she was panicking because it took the nurse so long to come in and hook it back up. If I was allowed to be with her, I would have been able to comfort my Mom and get her help if needed. Instead my Mom was all alone and scared of being neglected.
My Mom was treated with a one size fits all mentality, compromising the hospital's clinical practice guidelines that they would normally follow. She was in the hospital for three long weeks, that felt like months. The last time I talked to my Mom was on my birthday August 1, 2020 when she called to wish me a happy birthday. She was so worried that she had missed it. Even after everything she was going through, she was worried about her family.
Allowed To Say Goodbye
“But now that my Mom was hooked up to machines...I was allowed to watch her take her last breath.”
Her condition kept worsening, and her lung ended up rupturing and needed immediate surgery. Finally my Mom was placed on a ventilator and her kidneys were shutting down. At the end of all of this pain and suffering I was told that my Mom was never going to make it because she developed Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, and that "I needed to come say goodbye". I was not allowed visitation to sit with my Mom while she was fighting to stay alive. But now that my Mom was hooked up to machines...I was allowed to watch her take her last breath.

According to my Mom's medical records, sometimes she was evaluated from outside of her hospital room by the doctors due to a lack of PPE and the risk of catching covid. She was also given Remdesivir even after she had elevated liver enzymes. The records also stated she had toxic shock.
Crimes Against Humanity
I took care of my Mom for a week prior to bringing her to the hospital and I never once got sick. I should have been allowed to sign a waiver if necessary to accompany my Mom. We are not the only family that has been left devastated in Fauci's murderous wake. "In the United States alone, 1.05 million families were a casualty to the system. There were however 95.8 million cases nationwide. Aside from the total cases there were 533,787 + who were reported to have died with covid 19 and pneumonia". This will go down in history as the ultimate crime against humanity. To put a bounty on someone's life for monetary gain to promote an agenda and resulting in loss of life is a breach of human rights to the fullest extent.
I am begging that someone somewhere will read this and help seek justice for my Mom, and for all the other families whose lives were forever changed.