Montalba, TX
If my story or I can help anyone I am in!

All this was caused by Remdesivir.
The Ventilator
“I am going to have to put you on a ventilator or you're going to die!”
When this story started I was a perfectly healthy very active 64 year old male. On Aug 25, 2021 I went to the ER in distress from Covid. Was emitted to the hospital and treated with Remdesivir. On September 2, 2021 I went home feeling pretty good. On September 4, 2021 I started hyperventilating and went by ambulance to the ER with a O2 of 81 (and please correct me if I am wrong ) a CO2 of 15. The ER Dr. looked at me and said “I am going to have to put you on a ventilator or you're going to die!” I had enough consciousness to know what that meant. I prayed and said “God your will be done.” Everything was locked down. I was alone except for the medical staff. The fourth day on the ventilator when they called the wife they said “get ready, he is septic and his kidneys and liver are shutting down.”
The Effects of Remdesivir

On the fifth day by a miracle of God I was off the ventilator. Nothing but the grace of God. On September 15, 2021 I was home. September 18, 2021 the in-home nurse came to visit. She said “you don’t look good.” After taking my vitals we called the ambulance. I went to the ER where I was diagnosed with a bleeding colon. I already knew I was bleeding but didn’t have the mental capability to rationalize it. I then had an operation to recent my bowl and stop the bleeding. I was again on a ventilator for 36 hours. On October 4, 2021 I went to a rehab facility to learn to walk again. I couldn’t even roll over in bed. 39 days later I was discharged and went home. Today I am about 80 percent and feeling good. All this was caused by Remdesivir. If my story or I can help anyone I am in!! Give God All The Glory