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Mark's Story

Marietta, OH

My wife did NOT die of Covid....the hospital murdered her.

Jill was my wife, my best friend, my comforter, my rock, and the love of my life.


"My wife said “Then what good is having a family doctor if you can't see them when you're sick?”

My wife Jill and I both started experiencing Covid symptoms the last weekend of August 2021. Mine started on Friday night with chills and fever, then Jill's started the next morning with fever. We gave it a few days because we would start feeling better, then it would come back. We thought maybe it would just go away, and we had no idea that it might be Covid. When it became obvious, after about 3 days, that it wasn't going to go away on its own, we called our family doctor, who works for the local hospital. My wife made the call on a Tuesday morning and was told by the receptionist that since we both had Covid symptoms (fever) that the doctor would not see us without a negative covid test. My wife said then what good is having a family doctor if you can't see them when you're sick? The receptionist said that it was the hospital's policy and that it was being done to protect all of the primary care staff. We then tried to go to an urgent care, but were turned away as they had a 3-hour wait, and closed in 4 hours.

Cut Off From Ivermectin

So, I contacted a friend of ours who goes to our church and is an ER doctor at the local hospital. I told her that we had been turned away from everywhere and didn't know what to do. She said to come into the ER the next day and she would see both of us. By this time, our symptoms included severe coughing and shortness of breath. She saw us the next day, a

Wednesday, and did blood work as well as chest x-rays for both of us. The chest x-rays showed no signs of pneumonia. So, she gave us each a prescription for Ivermectin, Doxycycline, and Prednisone. We took the prescriptions to our local pharmacy where they filled the Doxycycline and Prednisone, but only gave us half of the Ivermectin prescription, explaining that they didn't have the full prescription in stock and had to order it. However, they said we could come back the next day and pick up the other half, and that it would be ready by then. The full prescription would have been, I believe, 5 days for each of us, but we only had enough for about 2 1/2 days.

The next day we contacted them and were told that they still did not have it in stock, that we would have to call back the next day. So, we called back the next day, which would have been a Friday, and were told that they still did not have it in stock. Jill told them that we were now out of Ivermectin and that we both desperately needed it filled. The pharmacist called around and none of the other pharmacies would agree to help fill the remaining prescription. Jill called one last time, on Saturday, and was told that the Ohio Board of Pharmacy refused to let them fill the remaining prescription for Ivermectin.

Both of us were feeling worse by this time, having only taken about 2 days of Ivermectin, and were having increased trouble breathing. So, we went back to the ER and saw the same doctor who again ordered blood work, chest x-rays, and a CT scan to ensure there were no blood clots. The CT scans showed no blood clots, however, our chest x-rays both showed that we now had pneumonia, where we hadn't before. This time the doctor gave us both an infusion of monoclonal antibodies. Both of us felt better almost immediately and were sent home to take the remainder of our medications, except the Ivermectin, which we still couldn't get filled.

The Hospital

“I knew little or nothing about Remdesivir or the CDC/NIH protocol.”

Jill still had some trouble breathing, as did I, however, she suffered from asthma and had a much harder time than I did. She coughed in her sleep throughout the night and woke up not feeling very well. When she would stand up, she felt really faint and her oxygen level (we had one of those fingertip oxygen sensors) would drop to 72 or even as low as 68. If she sat still, it would stay in the 90s. I contacted the ER doctor who saw both of us and was advised that she would need to come back to the ER to be admitted to the hospital. My wife dreaded going back and I dreaded taking her. At this point, I knew little or nothing about Remdesivir or the CDC/NIH protocol. Had I known, I would NOT have taken her back. I took her there with some clothes and her cell phone. The ER person wheeled her back, and that was the last time I ever saw her, at least in a conscious state. They would not let me go back with her.

Refusing to Stop Killing Her

Once she had been admitted, I was still not allowed to see her. They put her in their

makeshift "Covid unit". They immediately put her on Remdesivir, as well as a drug called Olumiant. The nurses would call twice a day with updates. The only updates I got were that she was stable, wasn't getting any better, but wasn't getting any worse. I asked to speak with the hospitalist that was taking care of her and was told that they would call, however, after 3 or 4 days, they still hadn't called. On about the 4th or 5th day, an infectious disease doctor called. I had, by now, heard about the horrible side effects of Remdesivir and told the doctor that I wanted her taken off of it because it wasn't helping. She told me that they were using the CDC/NIH protocol, that it was the best treatment they had, and that my wife was lucky she was even getting it. I told the doctor I don't care, it's not working, you need to try something else because she's not getting any better. The doctor told me she may not get any better, in fact, she may get worse, but we are not altering her treatment, we use what the CDC/NIH prescribes for Covid. I told her that she wasn't listening to me and that I didn't care what the CDC/NIH told her to use, that was my wife and she was suffering. We argued over the phone for about 45 minutes and the last thing the doctor said to me was "Well, her best bet was the vaccine, but it's too late for that, now" and hung up the phone. Jill asked for a different doctor and the other doctor, also an infectious disease doctor, concurred with the other doctor and refused to change the treatment. Also, I should note that Jill did NOT want to be intubated/put on a ventilator. She had told me this many times over the past few years. The first infectious disease doctor told me that she saw in the chart where Jill was ok with being intubated. I told her absolutely not, that she did not want that, and that they were NOT to do that to her. She said that she would note that in her chart.

Her Last Words

"But, I can't breathe."

Jill could not talk due to having such a hard time breathing, and we could only communicate via text. The afternoon of the 8th day she was in the hospital, I got a call from Jill's cell phone, but it was the nurse telling me that they were going to sedate Jill and intubate her because her oxygen levels had dropped and she couldn't breathe. I told her that I did not

want them doing that, and she put the phone up to Jill, who was upset and crying and was struggling to even talk. I told Jill that I thought she didn't want that, and she said "I can't breathe". I said I know, but you have always told me that you didn't want that, and again she said, "but, I can't breathe". I said, well if that's what you want, but I still don't think you should let them do it. She told me "Please take care of yourself". I told her that I would be ok, that I was just going to concentrate on getting her out of there. Again, she said, "Just please take care of yourself". That was the last thing she ever said to me.

The next day, which was a Tuesday, the nurse called and said that her oxygen levels had come up, that she was stable, and that over the next few days they would wake her up and have her do some breathing exercises. She made it sound like everything would be ok. However, at about 1 am that night, I got a call from the nurse that said Jill had coded, but that they had done CPR and revived her. She said she would call back and give me another update as soon as she could. Around 2 am, the ICU doctor called me and said that the reason Jill coded was that she had a massive heart attack...a "stemi" to be exact. He said that he could have her go to the cath lab for a heart catheterization, but couldn't guarantee that she would make it. I told him well, she would want him to try. He said ok, that he would call me back after it was over. I should mention at this point that the only heart issue Jill ever had was tachycardia, which affects her pulse. She had NO high blood pressure, NO high cholesterol, and NO other heart problems. Also, Jill used to work in the cath lab at that very hospital and used to get called out in the middle of the night for "stemies". So, I knew that you just didn't go from having zero heart issues to having a stemi. It just doesn't happen. Not to mention, that Jill had just had an echocardiogram within the last year that showed her heart was fine.

Her Last Moments

“They made it seem hopeless, so I didn't know what else to didn't seem like I had a choice.”

The ICU doctor called back around 4:30 am and said that the heart cath found no blockages anywhere, but that I'd better come in to see Jill because he wasn't sure how much longer she would last. I called my pastor and he met me at the hospital around 5 am. After we got there and suited up with all of the protective gear, the pastor and I were allowed in her room. She was sedated and obviously didn't know we were there. The nurse and doctor told me that her kidneys were now failing and that she was filling up with fluid. He said that there was nothing more that they could do for her, and suggested taking her off the ventilator and letting her pass.

A few hours went by during which the pastor and I, as well as the hospital chaplain, who Jill

and I both knew, prayed over Jill, played praise and worship songs on our phones for her, and anointed her with oil. When the doctor came back in and asked what I wanted to do, I told him to take her off the vent. They made it seem hopeless, so I didn't know what else to didn't seem like I had a choice. The hospital chaplain stayed with her while she passed, as the pastor and I were in the hospital chapel, praying. She passed away at 12:40

pm on September 15, 2021, and my heart broke into a million pieces.

My life has been shattered. We were together for 18 years and had been through so much together. She was my best friend, my comforter, my rock, and the love of my life. Life without her just isn't life, at all. I have cried every single day since she's been gone....sometimes multiple times a day. I have an intense anger toward the infectious disease doctors and the hospital who did this to her. It wasn't until after her death that I found out about how hospitals get paid by the government for each patient that they prescribe Remdesivir to, as well as for each patient they put on a ventilator, and lastly, for each DEATH that they can attribute to covid. My wife did NOT die of covid....the hospital murdered her. I will not rest until these people are all held accountable. My wife didn't deserve this. She was the sweetest, kindest person I've ever met. Nobody should have to go through what she did.


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created by Greta Crawford

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