San Angelo, TX
Why did they give her Remdesivir? Who gave you their consent to give her that killer drug?

She was loved by so many people.
The Place to Trust
“ After two weeks a new set of doctors took over and everything started getting worse.”
My Beautiful younger sister had gotten over Covid and was having trouble breathing. She got up to eat and passed out, her husband called an ambulance. She was taken to Baylor Scott and White Hospital and immediately was placed in the Covid unit even though she didn’t have Covid. They never called her husband or ask for his consent to place her on a ventilator, they just took it upon themselves to intubate her and sedate her, and started the Remdesivir. They allowed her granddaughter a Registered Nurse to be her advocate since I was 300 miles away.
I kept in touch by phone with my niece every day. She had 4 doctors looking after her and my niece would give me an update every day. They would say her heart is very strong, her kidneys are looking good, and her other organs are doing great. They also said she would slowly come out of sedation and would be on her way to recovery. After two weeks a new set of doctors took over and everything started getting worse. First, her kidneys started to fail, then she got double pneumonia EDEMA, then she was placed on dialysis and they said it had affected her liver. All this happened during the three weeks she had been in the hospital.
Denied an Advocate
My niece started asking questions about the medication they were giving her and why they were giving her those meds.

From there on it all went downhill. Security was called and she was not allowed to advocate for her grandmother any longer. She had to leave the hospital and wasn’t allowed to go back into my sister's room. After that my brother-in-law called me and told me that the doctor had said if her family wanted to see her alive they needed to come quickly because she didn’t think my sister was going to last much longer.
The last week of her life was a living nightmare. When I got to the hospital the doctor told me if I would sign a DNR and I said no I will not, and when I saw my sister I went into shock. She was twice her size and she had blisters under her feet that were turning black and ready to pop. Now that I think about it, I honestly believe it was the poison they had given her as well as they had stopped feeding her ( so they were starving her ). I felt so helpless and felt I couldn’t go to the law or a judge or the administration because they were all in this together.
I was getting messages and calls from all her friends that wanted to save her. One of her friends told me about ECMO. She said if we could get her transferred to Dallas Texas that the ECMO program could help her. I asked the nurse if she could get the doctor so I could talk to her about that ECMO program and the nurse said we have an ECMO machine upstairs. I replied you do !!! She said let me go bring the doctor, she came back and said YOUR SISTER DOESN'T QUALIFY BECAUSE SHE IS OVER 60. I felt my heart stop and asked the nurse what does age have to do with saving my beautiful sister's life? She didn’t know how to respond.
“ I started crying and told the young nurse that Remdesivir is what is killing people.”
That night I texted some of my friends and asked them to please pray for my sister and let them all know what was going on. One of my friends said I hope they didn’t give her Remdesivir and I asked him what is that? He said it’s a drug that was created for Ebola but is being used as the CDC PROTOCOL in hospitals.

He said Remdesivir never passed the trial because all the people that they tried it on died. My heart sank and I couldn’t wait to get to the hospital the next day. When I got to the hospital the following day, the traveling nurse was already there so I went to her and asked her if I could see her chart from the very beginning since my sister was admitted to the hospital and she pulled up the chart and showed me where she was given Remdesivir. I started crying and told the young nurse that Remdesivir is what is killing people and she said it’s the CDC Protocol we have to follow the Hospital Protocol. I told her even if it kills our loved ones?
I sat there just staring at the wall not believing that the hospital administration, doctors and nurses were so evil. I don’t know how I made it downstairs to the lobby and I sat there all by myself and cried as loud as I could. I didn’t care who saw me or heard me crying my heart out. My sister was my best friend, we grew up together and never argued, never had a disagreement. We were two peas in a pod. I went back upstairs and sat there speechless in total horror.
One of the doctors walked in and wanted to know how I was doing. I told him I wasn’t doing good and that I wanted to know why they were killing my sister. Why did they give her Remdesivir, who gave you their consent to give her that killer drug and why were they killing our loved ones in the hospital. I told him you all took an oath and you need to honor that oath that you took to help people not kill them. He said he didn’t know what I was talking about. He didn’t know anything about Remdesivir, he just knew they were following the CDC Protocol. I told him they were murderers and that they were going to pay for the death of my beautiful sister.
She’s is Walking With Jesus
“But the Lord said to me vengeance is mine.”
That same day my brother-in-law signed the DNR and two days later they finished their evil work. My sister was a beautiful girl that loved God, Country, and People. She was loved by so many people.

She practiced what she preached and lived her life to serve the Lord and her loved ones and people in need. My life has been totally changed. I’ve gone through times of sorrow and sadness and loneliness because she was a big part of my life and my family's life. The pain is unbearable and the absence brings so much sadness. I know she is resting in the arms of Jesus. I prayed one early morning and asked the Lord to heal my heart and to help me to continue living for Him. That same day I went back to bed after praying and the Lord blessed me with a dream. In the dream I was walking in the Glory Of The Lord and she was walking towards me alongside a male figure but I couldn’t see his face. I was extending my hand to touch her and she was also extending her hand toward me. When she got close to me she turned around and grabbed the hand of Jesus and walked away. I woke up and felt my healing. I was angry at the people that killed her at the administration for allowing the CDC Protocol and anyone that took part in her death. But the Lord said to me vengeance is mine.