Chagrin Falls, OH
She never wanted to go to the hospital and held out for as long as she could.

Mom went into the hospital and got worse instead of better.
The Hospital
“All she really needed was a steroid and IV hydration.”
My beautiful young HEALTHY Mother was taken from us on September 14, 2021 after being admitted into the hospital on August 16th, 2021. She had already been fighting Covid for 10 days prior to being admitted into the hospital. She was severely dehydrated and had come down with pneumonia and needed medical attention. She never wanted to go to the hospital and held out for as long as she could. They immediately gave her Remdesivir. All she really needed was a steroid for her pneumonia and an IV for her dehydration.
She Never Woke Again
After just a few days her lungs got worse, she then suffered a heart attack. She was then sedated and put on a ventilator. She could never be woken again, it’s as if she was in a coma, or had brain damage. A few days after that she was on dialysis and then the yellowing of her eyes showed liver damage.
Broken Hearted
“Praying the truth comes out for all of these souls taken too soon.”
I never understood until now how and why my beautiful, healthy, 74 years young Mom went into the hospital and got worse instead of better. I now have 4000 pages of my Mom's medical records. I’m hoping one day they can be used for good. We all live with a broken heart, especially my Father. Praying the truth comes out for all of these souls taken too soon. Thank you for allowing me to share my story.