Murrieta, CA
He was thinking of my safety not his own and it cost him his life.

A once in a lifetime love divinely appointed by God.
No Informed Consent
“They gave him a full round of Remdesivir without us knowing and without permission.”
In August of 2021 my sweetheart Bill, fell ill the day after returning home from a cross country motorcycle trip from California to South Dakota and back. He loved traveling by motorcycle. It gave him that feeling of pure freedom. He loved God, family, me, his dog, his friends and his country. He proudly served in the Navy for 6 years. He was a gentleman, hard working, respectful, soooo funny, kind, generous and lived life to the fullest. A successful engineer and business owner, father, grandfather and my beloved soulmate. We met later in life after both of us had experienced divorce and other unhealthy relationships. We knew the first night we met that we were meant to be together. Everything flowed between us, no worries, total appreciation, gratitude and that feeling of being safe and accepted for who we were. A once in a lifetime love divinely appointed by God.
He was throwing up, fever, body aches, etc. I said you have the stomach flu babe, let me take care of you but he wouldn’t let me because he didn’t want me to get sick. I’m a natural medicine practitioner/nutritionist and knew that Covid is really the flu, that HCQ, Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercitin, etc would help him. I tried getting him Ivermectin but it wasn’t going to ship here in time. Early treatment is crucial. Also, I made the natural form of HCQ but he couldn’t keep it down because of throwing up so much.
A week later on August 25th, he was taken to Loma Linda hospital in Murrieta, CA because he couldn’t breathe. We (his family & I) were not allowed to see him at first. During that week is when they gave him a full round of Remdesivir without us knowing and without permission. I kept telling his son not to allow them to give it to him then we found out that they already did and it was too late.
Isolation and Limited Visitation
Bill texted me the next day saying that he was feeling better and I was so relieved to hear from him. He was on oxygen through his nose. They told him he had Covid. So the daily check-ins began. Texting back and forth.

Me trying to keep his spirits up by letting him know how much he was loved and cared for. We shared a deep love and passion for music so I was sending him songs from Pandora to listen to and videos/pics of me but he wouldn’t send me pics of him because he didn’t want me to see him like that. I kept telling him that I didn’t mind but I wanted to respect his wishes.
His son got power of attorney in place because we weren’t married yet and was able to visit his Dad after a week. So no visits by anyone allowed for a week! You had to be vaccinated or have a negative test result to be able to see him and then he was only allowed one visitor for half an hour a day. So guess who got to see him the most….his son, daughter, daughter in law and out of professional courtesy a family friend who was a nurse. I was at the hospital every day downstairs in the lobby waiting room with other family members.
You Must Be Willing To Fight
“To know what should be done but powerless to do anything about it.”
Within a few days of his admission, Bill began having to be on oxygen at 100%, then he still was having a hard time breathing so they tried putting the Cpap on him and he ripped it out saying he couldn’t breathe. He was panicking because he was suffocating from the fluid filling his lungs due to his kidneys failing. They had given him all sorts of meds to calm his anxiety but it wasn’t helping. He chose to be intubated on Sept 5th because he couldn’t breathe and was drowning in fluid. By this time he had bilateral pneumonia.

Prior to this I had been educating and trying to get his son to be forceful and demand that they put Bill on Ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, etc…the hospital refused. He was going to bring in a pulmonary specialist from Temecula Valley hospital who had been successfully treating his patients with Ivermectin but Loma Linda conveniently said that his privileges to practice there were all of a sudden denied. I asked his son to fight, fight them, get the pulmonary specialists privileges reinstated so he could take over Bill’s care but he didn’t fight. I was so broken hearted, had I been his wife I would have raised hell and fought hard for the right care to be given. It was the most traumatic experience to go through. To know what should be done but powerless to do anything about it.
The Battle Against Evil
“ I made it in to see him literally minutes before he passed.”
His son is a wonderful man, just a young man. A bit naïve and a gentle soul who left everything up to God. Saying if it’s God’s will it will just flow with ease. This was and is a spiritual battle against evil so you have to fight the enemy and the lies. Anyway, Bill just kept getting worse. The Remdesivir was taking its toll on his body one organ at a time. Kidneys first, lungs second then because of being at maximum oxygen output on the ventilator for far too long his lungs ruptured and tore a hole, then his heart started failing and that is when we were all allowed to see him. He was dying so they put him on comfort care and now everyone was able to visit him. I got tested for the first time ever just so I could say goodbye to him. My sweetheart, my love and forever companion. Just like that, he was gone. I made it in to see him literally minutes before he passed.

That was the first time I had seen him in 6 weeks because of his 3 week motorcycle trip. I told him how much I loved him, how much I appreciated him and that he taught me what a real man is and how a woman should be treated. Two minutes later I was rushed out by the nurses and his son and daughter-in-law came in to say goodbye and watch him take his last breath. Truly devastating. I have struggled with the idea that if I had gotten him Ivermectin within the first couple of days while he was at home, he would never have had to go through that at the hospital and would still be alive today. I knew what to do but respected his desire for me to keep my distance so I wouldn’t get sick. He was thinking of my safety not his own and it cost him his life.
I pray to God that everyone responsible for the virus, Remdesivir creation and protocol, suppression of the proper medical protocols, the inhumane treatments of not only the patients but their loved ones as well, will be held accountable and brought to justice throughout the entire world. Thank you for letting me tell my story. I’m in tears now but it allows for a deeper healing and release. God bless