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Lauren M.'s Story

Palm Beach County, FL

It's an evil disgrace that my father and a multitude of others died needlessly just so hospitals can make money.

He was given Remdesivir, which contributed to dialysis and death as well.

Go Home and Get Worse

“They told him to go home and stop taking all medicines and tough it out because he’s a strong guy.”

My dad was 66 and died at the hands of Palms West Hospital on August 1st, 2021. He first started experiencing covid symptoms on July 8th and received a covid test on July 9th at a walk-in clinic which came back negative on July 10th. On July 11th he took a covid test at Palms West Hospital and it was negative, so they sent him home with 2 antibiotics to take for a week and Ibuprofen.

On July 12th the next day, he went back to Palms West Hospital and took another Covid test and this time it came back positive. They told him to go home and stop taking all medicines and tough it out because he’s a strong guy. My dad was a big, muscular man in great shape his whole life with no underlying medical conditions. On July 15th, 3 days later, he went back to Palms West Hospital because his oximeter reading was 88, he had trouble breathing and was in a lot of pain throughout his body. Of course, he was since he was told to take no medicines. They ended up keeping him in the hospital and giving him Remdesivir. On July 20th he was moved to the ICU ward there. He was refused food and water and isolated.

Denied Effective Treatment

After being in the ICU for 3 days, on July 23rd, we begged the infectious disease doctor treating him to prescribe him Ivermectin. He reluctantly agreed to prescribe him one dose. Then he agreed to prescribe him an additional 4 more doses, equaling a 5-day Ivermectin treatment. By the second day of getting Ivermectin, my dad was noticeably better. He was up eating, drinking his favorite drink (coffee), and happy, giving thumbs up to nurses and in good spirits. The infectious disease doctor then said it was hurting his liver, but we all saw the reports and it wasn’t. Other doctors can verify that it was not hurting his liver. He stopped the Ivermectin and didn’t give him the rest of the 3 doses that he originally prescribed him.

By July 26th, there was a shift change, and the intensivist doctor there was saying they were going to intubate my dad, and we were scrambling trying to get him moved to another hospital. The intensivist doctor said he’s too weak to change hospitals at this point, and they intubated my dad. The doctor before him said he wasn’t even close to being intubated. By July 28th he was getting dialysis; the ventilator caused him kidney damage. I talked to the CMO of the hospital for over half an hour on the phone, and he said Ivermectin is hard on his liver and will not allow him to be treated with it anymore, even though the infectious disease doctor initially prescribed the 5-day treatment, and even though it was 100% not hard on his liver, and even though I reminded him several doctors I knew saw the reports and said it wasn’t hard on his liver. So we hired a team of lawyers - Lorigo Law Firm, and another doctor.

No One Willing to Help

“How come we had to do their job by alerting them of his condition?”

On July 31st, 2021 at 10:42 pm, the hospital doctors treating my dad, the hospital CEO, and CMO all got emailed a petition stating they will be ordered to court soon, and the court has 72 hours to let them know when. (Petition for administering Ivermectin rightfully to him again by a different doctor who we got another prescription from, who was going to court for us about it). Then at 7:16 pm the next night (less than 24 hours later), the intensivist doctor from the hospital calls me and says, “you can come in with only a few family members to see him, he's not doing well.” Mind you, we weren’t allowed to go in the entire time and a priest wasn’t allowed to give him anointing of the sick.

Right when we got there, we saw numbers keep dropping on the monitor near him which was blinking but not making noise, and it dropped to 30. We didn’t know if it was his blood pressure or if the blinking meant something bad, so we notified a nurse slowly walking by staring at her cell phone, not paying attention at all to my dad. She then says it was his blood pressure, and runs to alert a bunch of nurses and doctors and they go in and try to resuscitate him. How come we had to do their job by alerting them of his condition, we did not know what the numbers on the machine meant and no one was busy or helping anyone, the ICU was not busy at all. He died right in front of us and no one closed the blinds, we saw the staff pumping on his chest and trying to save him for about 25 minutes, giving him needles, jolting him, and so on, it was a sight that still haunts my family and me. We never got to even go near my dad at all. We stared at my dad's dead body through the glass for hours until the funeral home got there, and we were not allowed to watch them take him away. Less than 24 hours later from the court petition notification, on August 1st, 2021, we watched my dad die.

I talked to a forensic autopsy doctor and another autopsy doctor/lawyer, and both talked me out of getting my dad an autopsy based upon the fact that it would cost well over $10,000 and we would still ultimately get no answers as my dad was a Covid-related death and nothing would hold up in court due to Covid.

Facilities of Death

“ I cannot believe my healthy father couldn’t even get the right medicine or proper care.”

A lawyer told me that in May 2020, Florida passed a law making hospitals and doctors immune to malpractice in Covid related cases. But my dad's death certificate states, “cause of death = cardiac arrest, shock and ards 2nd to covid”. It also said, “Part II esrd - hd contributed to death”. By putting him on the ventilator, they caused dialysis to take place; hence esrd (end-stage renal disease) was caused by the hospital. I looked into his medical records and it says “cardiac arrest, cause unspecified”. I cannot believe my healthy father couldn’t even get the right medicine or proper care. He didn’t have "ESRD" - that was hospital-caused kidney failure. The cause of death shouldn't say, "cardiac arrest" or "shock". Ards 2nd to covid (the third listed “cause”), is probably the only one that is correct. The CMO should’ve allowed him to take the rest of his Ivermectin doses when we talked to him on the phone instead of denying him it (he only had 3 days left to take it), and the CMO shouldn’t have kept allowing medicine and “treatment” that wasn’t helping him to continue. I reminded him of the oath he took as a doctor. This is a tragedy that could’ve been avoided. We have all the medical records. He was given Remdesivir, which contributed to dialysis and death as well. What is going on in these hospitals are crimes against humanity, and it’s an evil disgrace that my father and a multitude of others died needlessly just so hospitals can make money.

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