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Ida's Story

Palmer, Alaska

I will fight till the day I die for my dad. I will scream, speak, advocate, and do anything I can for justice for him.

RIP Daddy we love you and miss you so much. For my amazing devoted father.

Scared And Alone

“ I talked to him the day before and I begged him not to go to the hospital but I was so far away and he was scared and alone.”

My dad was 55 years old when Mat Su Valley Regional in Palmer AK decided to murder my him with REMDESIVIR among other drugs.

On August 16th, 2021 My dad was leaving for Alaska to lay his mom’s ashes to rest she passed away last November. The day before he left he was not feeling too well so he decided to go to his local hospital Navarro Regional Hospital emergency department and test himself before he left. He tested himself and they told him that he just had an Upper Respiratory Infection and was told to take Claritin. He did test negative as well. So with that being said, dad was like ok I'm gonna go and spread grandma’s ashes he left on the 16th of august.

He was supposed to be gone for a week and then come back. My mother was out of the country at the time and I was the only one left in charge. I was out at their property that they just bought and moved to. They had big plans but that was all taken away from us because of the hospital’s carelessness.

He got up to Alaska and on the 17th he went to see his dad for a few minutes just to say hi. He kept his distance and was there for a short period. Then he left and went to my aunt's house. Well, he started getting worse just not feeling well and having shortness of breath. He had gotten a phone call a few days later on the 20th that grandpa had to call 911 to come and get him because he was not doing well. Yes grandpa too tested positive and the next day the 21st he died of C19. So my dad went to get retested and he tested positive. This was on the 21st and he was just getting worse and not feeling well. He was at my aunt's house in Wasilla. So his friend of like 40 years brought him some Ivermectin and he took a few doses of that not sure how much or whatnot but the night of the 22nd early hours into the 23rd My dad called 911 because he was struggling to breathe. I talked to him the day before and I begged him not to go to the hospital but I was so far away and he was scared and alone I'm sure he panicked.


On the morning of August 23rd 2021, I got a text message early from my dad saying I'm in the hospital and I'm going on a vent. This is what I woke up to. I'm sure he did not call me because I would have done anything and everything to talk him out of it. But he trusted the doctors and what they told him he did. They scared him into going on a vent saying that if he did not, that he would die. According to his records and the stupid journal they kept when they wanted to state that his oxygen was very low and despite the bi-pap and breathing mask, his lungs were just too tired so he gave them the okay to place a breathing tube which was the vent. Well when he was on the vent they stated that his heart was very stressed and he went into a rhythm called A-fib RVR. For this they cardioverted his heart back into a normal rhythm. Then they stated he will rest for the night in hopes to help dad's oxygen needs decrease. I have no idea what the heck they did to him, dad never had heart issues in his life. The next day in the ICU on a vent, according to his journal, they told me the same thing: he has a fever of 104.7 and with Tylenol and ice they were only able to lower it to 101.8. They said that he had a bacterial staph infection in his blood. They started dad on heavy antibiotics.

He was very sick but his oxygen requirements were decreasing. For this, he did not need to be on oxygen this evening. On the third day, the fever continued and they did a bronchoscopy in which they take a small camera and insert it down into the lung area to get out some of the thick sputum. They sent it to the lab to see if there was a secondary infection. The next day the nurse came in and stated he had a good day. He was still having a relentless fever but he was awake on sedation vacation for about an hour and was following the nurse's command and squeezing her fingers. We would facetime him as well every day telling him, “dad we love you be strong, you got this, we miss and love you.” The next day his other nurse came in and said it sounds like your Dad had a good day. Donnie My goal for this evening is to get some rest and let the VENTILATOR HELP your lungs so you can have another good day tomorrow. BS…. The next day another nurse (because of course there is a day nurse and a night nurse) stated in his journal that he did very well on his belly and that he should be flipped back sometime in the morning on his back again dad's a very strong person and his family has been very supportive and are checking on you several times a day. You bet I was, that was the least I could do if I could not be there by him or close enough. Trust me I was ready to get on a plane but they did not allow anyone in the hospital ICU. My poor dad, I cannot even imagine what he went through.


“It seemed like he needed more support. I wonder why since he was given Remdesivir the first day and took the whole IV dose course of it.”

The first day and when they sedated him They put him on Remdesivir and fentanyl propofol and dexmedetomidine, famotidine, insulin, ketamine, dexamethasone, I know some of these meds but not all of them. Hell, if you gave this to a healthy person let alone a sick person I would not want to know the outcome. Sad and this was only on day one. Anyways moving forward he was making progress and moving in the right direction. Then on the 31st of August it seemed like he needed more support. I wonder why since he was given Remdesivir the first day and took the whole IV dose course of it. The next day was 09/01/2021 and he seemed to have a really good night. Maybe it seemed like he was doing better. His blood gasses were about the same and he was not going in the wrong direction. He was on a good path on 9/2/2021 according to the staff and he was able to decrease his oxygen and not require any more. It looked good.

That day I had spoken to the doctors about putting a trach in and the pros and cons and how long all the normal questions were. Well, at least I thought so. I spoke to the surgeon and made my decision that it would be best for dad to get him up and off sedation more awake and hopefully headed in the right direction. So the night nurse came in and he was able to squeeze her hand and move his toes and the plan for today's night shift was to put a trach in. on 9/3/2021 The trach was placed and according to them it went very well and dad was resting. The nurse was happy to see dad’s face without a breathing tube in the way. On 09/04/2021 when the nurse came in dad was groggy and sleepy because of the procedure that day but she was able to decrease some of his medication and dad woke up during his bath he could squeeze her hand recognize and communicate he was still in pain but he raised his eyebrows when they mentioned me. Overall he had a great day.

The Ups And Downs

“ He was awake and smiling, just happy to see his family. He had every reason to live.”

09/05/2021 During the day shift they had proned him the night before to help his lungs and then they turned him that morning. Well it was an amazing day for us, the family, me and my kids and my mom and anyone I could get on facetime called and we spoke to him for the longest time and he was smiling and crying and just wanted to get better… damn it breaks my heart writing this. They took off his sedation and he was just amazing. I wish we could have at least held his hand but we talked and joked and the kids were so happy. They came down on the vent setting and he was on pressure support which means he was starting to breathe on his own. The death machine was not starting his breaths. They also went down to 50% FIO2 which was the lowest it has been since he was in the hospital. He was awake and smiling, just happy to see his family. He had every reason to live.

On 09/07/21 He had a great day and a nice morning nap. He got up and sat in the chair all afternoon so much stronger. Again they lowered his oxygen requirements, we facetimed again and he was so happy. We thought that he was gonna be able to come home. He was doing so well. I called that night to say goodnight and he called my daughter on facetime and was smiling. I took a screenshot and like a dummy I did not know how to record on a call at the time. That was the last picture and then he was gone 24 hours later. Talked to the nurses again and everything was fine. His organs were amazing according to the staff the whole time. Little did I know that come the morning of 09/08/21 I called about 6 am their time to see how his night was. I was told everything was great. He was up from bed to chair and back to bed. All his vitals and organs are once again great and then I called my mom and told her that he had a great night and was so happy. Then my mom says honey I have a call let me see who it is. I was like ok no problem. Well, it seems since mom was back in the states that dad texted the doctor since he was not yet able to speak that he wanted mom notified, and well in this case they only deal with one person and I have been dealing with the hospitals since day one of dads ICU stay so okay well my mom did not know how to handle or understand things like I did so I had the nurse call me and she explained that dad coded twice they broke his ribs put bilateral tubes in and for mom to go to the hospital to say goodbye because there was absolutely nothing they could do.

The Hard Goodbye

Dad was stable whatever the hell that meant. And then his lungs collapsed and his organs were shutting down. They put their fingers in my dad's chest because they did not have a sterile surgical tray. At this point I lost myself because all this time he was doing better and

better and all of a sudden he is dying and there is nothing these people can do? So I started to question why, what, and how. This does not make sense to me, yesterday he was all perky and smiling and looking great then two cardiac arrests, lungs collapsed to dying, and no saving. It just did not and still does not make sense to me but once I got his records and was able to look through them I found out all the meds that he was on and as soon as he was on a vent they gave him Remdesivir. WHY? WHY? WHY would you give someone, anyone a medication that shuts down organs? WHY? because they are making money to kill our loved ones, that's why…. I will fight till the day I die for my dad and his justice. I will scream, speak, advocate, and do anything I can for justice for him. He and no one else deserved to be murdered Maybe I mentioned things over again I tried my best to write this out…. Just so much happened. Thank you all so much for the support and FIGHT FIGHT for your loved ones no matter what it takes. They even had my dad in his records as a 20-year-old cocaine user-tested positive in urine. So how do I know they did not treat him for that they put someone else's record in my dad's record. Just so much to write and tell. They took everything from us and my kid's birthdays, holidays, memories, everything. RIP Daddy we love you and miss you so much.

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created by Greta Crawford

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