My two sons lived in Louisiana, they got Covid and went to the ER on advice from their Pastor.

Nathaniel didn’t have to stay; he was worried about his older brother and they talked him into treatment for a couple of days.
Hospital Homicide
“ Matthew was put on a ventilator a few hrs after checking in.”
My two sons lived in Louisiana, they got Covid and went to the ER on advice from their Pastor. I am their Mother and live in Missouri. When I got a call that they were going to hospital I was heartbroken. I knew they would follow the poison protocol. Matthew’s oxygen was low but not Nathaniel’s. I told them to get Ivermectin but the Dr. said no to them and when I talked to him he made fun of me. Nathaniel didn’t have to stay; he was worried about his older brother and they talked him into treatment for a couple of days. Well that lasted 2 weeks. Hurricane Ida got him transferred 3 times. The third time he passed being airlifted. They gave him the 5 day protocol twice only stopping when they saw his kidneys and liver failure. Matthew was put on a ventilator a few hrs. after checking in. He was told it was going to be a couple of days and he was young, he will be alright. All lies…They punctured his lungs and put him in a coma. He was transferred also because of the hurricane and they gave him the poison protocol again. He ended up with 3 tubes in lungs and died 30 days later. I never got to visit although I did see them on FaceTime. Many prayers went but God took them. I am a widow and I know they are in Heaven with their Dad. I am heartbroken, they were murdered…praying for Justice for all who suffered.