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Dontae's Story

Matthews, NC

My mother went into the hospital on November 6, 2021 and they refused to allow us in to see her.

I am not crazy, they were killing people.

Realizing What Was Done

“My mother walked every day and was in pretty good health.”

First of all I want to say thank you for sharing your story. This story sounds so familiar and it breaks my heart. My mother was in the hospital in November of 2021 and my uncle was in there at the same time. My mother went into the hospital with her oxygen rate at around 90 and mind you she was 68 years old. My mother walked every day and was in pretty good health. I was listening to Greta share her story and so many things she said was my family's experience. My mother went into the hospital on November 6, 2021 and they refused to allow us in to see our mother. They told us when she was admitted that we could come visit her and when we made attempts to visit her they blocked it.


My mother was on a bi-pap machine and was definitely on social security from her husband's death. I need to look at the medical records because when she first went into the hospital there were no blood clots, there was no pneumonia, and in November the governor signed into the law that no patient should be left alone. They knew that this was the law and still blocked us from visitation. Finally, my mother was in the hospital eleven days before she passed away. When we said we wanted to transfer our mother to a different hospital they immediately told us that she was too weak to move her. Mind you they convinced my sisters to put my mother on a ventilator and they did the same to my uncle. My mother said that she felt they were letting her die and because of fear they made a choice to put her on a vent. I wasn't present when they made that decision and when they made that decision I immediately started crying because I knew the outcome wasn't favorable.

The Truth of Killing

“They had her cleaned up and everything which makes me think they removed her from the ventilator.”

My mother ended up with blood clots, and pneumonia which they are saying killed her. Ironically when my mother passed away they told us her heart gave out, but I live 10 minutes from the hospital and by time I got there 10 minutes later all the machines were out of the room. They had her cleaned up and everything which makes me think they removed her from the ventilator and allowed her to die. I am glad to hear your story because you proved to me I am not crazy that they were killing people. I praise God that you made it out safely and I will be sharing your story!


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created by Greta Crawford

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