Tyrone, PA
They gave her a fentanyl drip to stop her breathing.

I will never forgive them for killing my dear sweet Mother.
Hospital Death Camp
“ We arrived at the hospital and met with the doctor and she said right then that my mom needed to go onto a vent.”
My mother was taken to the Emergency Room on 8/24/21and she was diagnosed with Covid. They told my father that once he left the hospital he could not return. We were corresponding with her via cell phone then suddenly no communication from my mom at all. I called the nurses station and they said that we could visit but had to wear all the PPE gear, this was on 9/1/21. After hanging up the Hospitalist called me and said that if you want to see your mother alive then you better get here today. We arrived at the hospital and met with the doctor and she said right then that my mom needed to go onto a vent. My Dad and I said no way. She did start to do better and was able to get up and go to the bathroom and was able to eat, this is when they gave her Remdesivir.
They Never Tried To Heal
A couple of days later they called my dad and said they were putting her on a vent. They waited until we were not there and told us that it had to be done. My mother did not agree. I actually heard her on the phone in the background and she was refusing. They did it anyway. They gave her paralytics to paralyze her because she was trying to breathe over the vent. They gave her paralytics and Fentanyl which slowed her breathing even more. What was really bothersome was we were kept in the dark about all of it and my dad did not sign a DNR. He told them to do everything you can to save her. On the 9th day of her being on a vent we were contacted by a palliative care doctor. We thought the vent was going to help her at least that's what they said. They would not allow her on the vent past 10 days. They gave her a fentanyl drip to stop her breathing. Why would they give her Remdesivir when it is known to cause kidney failure? My mom was a diabetic and Remdesivere is not appropriate for a diabetic. I always felt that this protocol killed her. This happened at UPMC in Altoona PA.
They Killed Her
“They had her on so many drugs that slowed her breathing.”
The experience was horrible. We felt like we had no idea what was happening. It was so hard to see my mom in this condition. They had her on so many drugs that slowed her breathing and she didn't even know we were there. One day we would get good news then the next day bad news. Once she went on the vent, I knew that I would lose my beautiful mother. My Dad trusted these people but I for one was very suspicious. They lost her diamond earrings and refused to replace them. They lost her hearing aids. I called and talked to the Nursing Supervisor and I was told to be quiet and listen to her. We found her cell phone laying on the floor of her room in a corner. How did it get there? Her bed was broken too.
I can't begin to tell you how awful this was and to see my mom like this and there was nothing that I could do. They would not try any other treatments and the whole time she was on the vent we thought it was going to make her better, but it was actually a death sentence. They knew that she would die with this protocol. I cry every single day and the vision of her on that vent goes through my mind constantly. I will never forgive them for killing my dear sweet Mother.