Wauseon, OH
The Dr. Said he was on day three of a 5 day treatment of Remdesivir.

It was hospital “protocol” and I had ABSOLUTELY no say in their treatment. None.
Wishes Disregarded
“We both told the doctors ABSOLUTELY NO REMDESIVIR.”
My story… How do I tell our story? Hospital protocol killed the love of my life. He was alone. He died alone. His last 5 days he was scared and alone. He went to the ER with low oxygen, we both tested positive for Covid. They admitted him and escorted me out. I remember him saying I just want one more kiss …. when I pulled down my mask and kissed him, they yelled at me . I thought I was having a nightmare, married 39 years and I’m getting yelled at for kissing my husband. Then they wheeled him out, and escorted me out of the hospital. We both told the doctors ABSOLUTELY NO REMDESIVIR. Steroids yes, Oxygen yes, but NO REMDESIVIR. We asked for vitamin C, D, and Zinc and most importantly Ivermectin. He called me and told me they gave him nothing, not even his warfarin.
Lie After Lie

I called every 2 hours, morning and night to check on him and they started ignoring my calls. I also sent some pictures and a blanket with his glasses and glass case. I put Ivermectin in his case. They found them and yelled at him, then took them. They had started him on Remdesivir, as soon as he got up there. They said he wanted it, he said he did NOT. I then argued with them repeatedly. They said he wasn’t of sound mind to make that decision so I said no. I had his medical power of attorney. Then they said he was of sound mind and wanted it. The whole time he’s telling me no he doesn’t want it and to get him out of there. I threw such a fit, caused so much commotion at the hospital they had a meeting with the hospital liaison, a Covid doctor, the charge nurse, and the floor nurse all while I have COVID with 104.7 fever and could barely function. I wanted him transferred out immediately or sent home with hospice. They said it would take a week or more. I said it was unacceptable. At this time I found out he was not being given any of his vitamins or potassium..no zinc, but they did agree to give him his blood thinner. They actually had the nerve to tell me they didn’t have zinc or vitamin C IVs at the hospital. I again argued no Remdesivir. The Dr. Said he was on day three of a 5 day treatment of Remdesivir. It was hospital “protocol” and I had ABSOLUTELY no say in their treatment. None. I still could not see him.
The Death Cocktail
“They gave him anxiety medicine, fentanyl and then vented him.”
On November 18th I called at 4 am to check on him. He had been doing better, his oxygen was good and he got up to use the restroom. At 5 am they called me to say his oxygen was bad and they were going to put him on the vent. He didn’t want that. I TALKED TO HIM ON THE PHONE. Our kids never got to talk to him those 5 days. They again said he wasn’t able to make that decision. They gave him anxiety medicine, fentanyl and then vented him. He immediately went into cardiac arrest. They called me to “let me know'' he coded. I need to come to the hospital, he’s gone. So, I can see him NOW??? In the same room, same clothes, same oxygen, now that he’s GONE?? I can take his “contaminated belongings”, kiss his “contaminated forehead” and hold his “contaminated hand “???? Make it make sense to me!
Senseless Murder
“This wasn’t just a freak thing. It was a calculated massacre.”
My husband told me he was going to marry me in KINDERGARTEN, after continuing to pick me for his wife while playing farmer and the del. We were MARRIED before our senior year of high school. We raised 4 children, before taking on a grand baby at 50 to raise. He had his own semi from 19 yrs old. His 57th birthday was Oct. 20. On November 11th he stepped out of his truck sick and entered the hospital on the 13th and was gone before dawn on the 18th. I picked out our headstone that had to be purchased before they would open our plot on the 23. It was MY 57th birthday. I picked out our headstone on my birthday. He was buried on the 24th ..the funeral director had to move another funeral so it was not ALSO on my birthday. The next day was Thanksgiving. I go to grief therapy every week because I feel like I failed him, and he died alone. If I never hear you need to put that in a box on a shelf and deal with it later again it will be too soon. It has financially, and mentally destroyed our family.

This wasn’t just a freak thing. It was a calculated massacre, Prove me wrong. What they did to us, our families are crimes against humanity. I HAD COVID. Why couldn’t I stay with him?? I was as sick as him but took Ivermectin immediately. Plus his records have normal oxygen levels and the last 6 hours are not there. That’s not right. The nurse said he coded before they actually got him vented, there was a problem and they had to try again. That’s not in there either. Make it make sense. It’s not right, none of this is right. So many families are destroyed for what? And now I grow old alone. I’m raising a seven year old, alone. He deserved BETTER! They ALL DESERVED BETTER.