Sarasota. FL
My grandpa would be alive today if it wasn’t for the jabs or the opioids pumped into him.

He should be alive today.
This Shouldn’t Have Happened
“The rehab center also forced my grandpa to get the vaccines which was also a cause of his decline. My grandpa got two shots of Pfizer.”
My WW2 veteran grandpa got Covid in his rehab center and the rehab center would not treat his Covid so I called and emailed governor Desantis who got his ems medical team to come and administer the monoclonal antibody treatment to him which made him Covid free.

After a month of recovering from Covid, my grandpa unfortunately ended up at Sarasota memorial hospital; which ended his life. The hospital knew about his Covid free recovery but would not treat his pneumonia. They also would not give my grandpa any nutrients; but instead pumped my grandpa with fentanyl and other opioids which made my grandpa weak and frail. My grandpa ended up on a feeding tube and a ventilator which was not the lord’s plan. The EMS medical team under governor Desantis was very shocked to hear that my grandpa passed away and that he wasn’t treated properly. The hospital has still failed to provide my mother my grandfather’s full medical records and my family never received any type of compensation for what they did to my grandpa. My grandpa was not supposed to die. He should be alive today. The hospital and the rehab center should pay for what they did to my grandpa. The rehab center also forced my grandpa to get the vaccines which was also a cause of his decline. My grandpa got two shots of Pfizer; which was unnecessary because the rehab center kept everyone locked up in their apartments for two years. My grandpa would be alive today if it wasn’t for the jabs or the opioids pumped into him. I want Justice for my grandpa and my goal is to make sure this never happens to another human being again. Life is for the living and doctors are not put on this earth to play god!

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